About Steve

I’m a Londoner by birth and hadn’t spent much time overseas until my early 20s, when I made a life-changing decision to travel to the other side of the world on a working holiday … little did I know! Since that time, apart from working in business and as a consultant, I’ve been fortunate to travel the world — with Jenny, my future wife, around Europe; then over the years with our family; and during my business career, until I ‘retired’. Like many, I find travel is a wonderful way to broaden the mind and meet new people, which is why we keep doing it whenever we can.

Jenny and I have been married since 1986. She persuaded me that Australia was indeed the lucky country — to be fair I didn’t need much convincing, which is why I’m still here. However, I’m still constantly confused about which national sporting team I should support … unless it’s rugby!

I consider myself fortunate to have lived in Australia almost continuously for the last 35 years, apart from an energising two-and-a-half-year stint in Hong Kong, and have two grown-up children, Nick and Katy — both of whom remind me on a regular basis how little I actually know.