‘What a great read. So descriptive and captivating – I could not put it down. I was totally immersed in your adventures and loved every page of it. If only you had more time to cycle further!’
Claire Alexander, UK
‘A personal travelogue that is entertaining – an enjoyable read and inspiring at a time where we’ve all been starved of international travel since BC (before Covid …), although I expect if my wife and I embark on a bike trip across Europe there'll be a little more chateaux than camping.’
David Ojerholm, Australia
‘A great read for anyone who has or is wanting to ride in Western Europe. It is not about the bike, but is about the people, the locations and experiences on a bike.’
David Mann, Australia
‘You feel part of this adventure with them.’
Christine W, UK
‘I found Handlebars a rollicking good read’
David Saunders, Australia